A multi media ambient surround project, which combines surround sound and surround
Horizontal Ecxursions is:
An Ambisonische Ambient live act, or a festival area, or an installation for technology/
art festivals & museums
Music: Experimental Ambient, Glitch
Media: Live surround music with surround visuals (3-4 screens)
Performance: Live act or installation
Where: On festivals (chill out area), cinema's, theatres and museums
Artistic point of view
With HE we explore boundaries in music, audio visual arts and technology. Ambient is a form
of music in which the strict rules of dance do not apply. With Ambient anything is possible
and there is space for the interpretation of the listener.
We like to give shelter to those who want to hide for todays stress and consumption
culture. HE performances and installations aime at trancending everyday live and to
submerge into a world without time. The surround sounds and images stimulate the
imagination of the visitor. The visitor is taken on a journey to it inner self.
Roger Martinez finished the Rock academy Cum laude with Rot8ion performance.
On Tuesday the 16th of June 2009 Roger Martinez and Rot8ion did a performance in 013, Tilburg.
The performance was the final show for Rogers Rock Academy course. The performance was
attended by 50 people consisting of many talented artists, music producers, a jury etc. The
result of the performance was a Cum laude end result for Roger and the start of a promising